KUB Community Solar

KUB Community Solar reached 100% subscribed in August 2024.

In partnership with TVA and the City of Knoxville, KUB launched Knoxville’s first community solar program in April 2023 to provide its customers a simple way to support local solar generation.

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How it Works 

  • KUB owns, operates, and maintains the 1-megawatt shared community solar array.
  • Customers sign up for a portion of the array through a monthly subscription. 
  • Subscribers offset their carbon footprint and will receive back a portion of their subscription fee based on the renewable energy produced each month. Each share helps avoid the same amount of emissions as recycling 314 pounds of waste per year.

The Benefits of Community Solar

Supports Local Solar: By participating in a shared array, community solar programs allow participants to work together to support local solar projects in our community.

Increases Access to Solar: Community solar programs don’t require any equipment to be installed at the customer’s home or business, which makes it a great option for customers who may be unable to install solar panels at their homes or businesses.

Helps the Environment: By subscribing to KUB Community Solar, you're helping lower your carbon footprint and reducing the amount of energy needed from traditional generation sources.

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All shares are fully subscribed. Join the waitlist to be notified when shares become available.

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KUB Green

Learn how KUB supports sustainability in its operations and in the community.

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Green Invest

KUB plans to add 502 megawatts of new-to-the-grid solar power for KUB customers through TVA’s Green Invest program. The new arrays will account for 20 percent of KUB's electric load by 2024.

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Generate Your Own Renewable Energy

Want to install a solar array on your home or business? Follow this guide.

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