Resolving Issues
KUB has an obligation to all our customers to maintain safe and reliable service. When tree pruning is necessary to accomplish that goal, we make every effort to consider our customers’ input and to accommodate requests that do not compromise safety or reliability.
We encourage your input and questions, and invite you to take advantage of the foresters in our Vegetation Management Program to determine the best way to keep trees and power lines apart.
If a situation comes up that we are unable to resolve on site or in discussions with our foresters, we want you to know that you have somewhere to turn. Our Vegetation Management Customer Advocate will explore all options available for your specific issue and work with you to find a resolution.
If you have concerns about pruning on your property, follow these steps:
Step 1 – Contact KUB
If your property is scheduled to be pruned and you have concerns, call our Vegetation Management Hotline at 865-558-6658 and ask to speak with a KUB forester before work begins in your area.
Step 2 – Discuss options with a KUB forester
A KUB forester will meet with you to discuss your concerns and tree pruning options*. Depending on your situation, your options may include:
- Lateral pruning
- Private pruning
- Subordinate pruning
- Tree removal
- Reduced clearance for low-growing or slow-growing species
- Engineered solutions
Some options require a written agreement with KUB. Regardless of which option you select, customers are welcome to be present when the work is happening. Just be sure to ask a forester to schedule a time with you.
*These options do not apply to vines and brush that are within the utility maintenance zone. If applicable, other vegetation will be maintained according to KUB’s standard methods. If you have questions about this please contact KUB’s Vegetation Management Hotline at call 865-558-6658
Step 3 – Appeal to the Vegetation Management Customer Advocate, if necessary
If meeting with a forester did not resolve your concerns, you may appeal to KUB's Vegetation Management Customer Advocate (VMCA). The dispute resolution process and types of options the VMCA will consider with you are described in the KUB Response to Tree Trim Panel Recommendations. You may contact the VMCA by completing this form or by calling 865-594-7900 .