The KUB 2023 Annual Report below details specific efforts that will help KUB continue to provide safe and reliable utility services.

Its 2023 Environmental, Social, & Governance Report outlines initiatives, programs, and other efforts that exemplify KUB's commitment to the environment and its community.

2023 Annual Report


2023 Environmental, Social, & Governance Report


Additional annual reports are available below:
2022 ESG Report
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report

Quarterly Financial Reports

3rd Quarter Fiscal Year 2024
2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2024
1st Quarter Fiscal Year 2024

3rd Quarter Fiscal Year 2023
2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2023
1st Quarter Fiscal Year 2023

Budget Reports

FY25 Budget and Funding Recommendations
FY24 Budget and Funding Recommendations
FY23 Budget and Funding Recommendations

Audited Financial Statements

FY23 Full Audited Financials
FY23 Consolidated Financials
FY22 Full Audited Financials
FY22 Consolidated Financials
FY21 Full Audited Financials
FY21 Consolidated Financials
FY20 Full Audited Financials
FY20 Consolidated Financials
FY19 Full Audited Financials
FY19 Consolidated Financials

Debt Reports
KUB Debt Management Policy
Official Statement on $74.995M in Electric and Water Bonds (2023)
Report on Debt Obligation - Electric
Report on Debt Obligation - Water
Electric and Water Bonds Sale Report (Dec. 2023)
KUB Fiber Loan from Electric Disclosure

Other Reports: 
2021 Water Cost of Service Analysis
2021 Wastewater Cost of Service Analysis
2021 Electric Cost of Service Analysis 
2018 Natural Gas Cost of Service Analysis